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sonothérapie, massage sonore France 2 Télématin

sonothérapie, massage sonore France 2 Télématin

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Chili - la thérapie par le son - #fautpasrever

Chili - la thérapie par le son - #fautpasrever

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How To Make A Singing Bowl

How To Make A Singing Bowl

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ARTE | La Magie Du Son

ARTE | La Magie Du Son

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Tibetan bowls: their effect on our well-being and our mind

Different Tibetan bowls exist around the world.

It is found in Nepal, India, Bhutan and of course in Tibet. The particular quality of acoustic sounds is mainly based on the component of its alloy (...)


Originally, according to legend, it would be nomadic blacksmiths followers of Shamanism (Indian healing principles) who introduced these bowls in Tibet (...)

Subsequently, they were mainly used by Japanese Buddhists and have been since as far back as the Bronze Age. These Buddhists claimed that the sounds from these bowls had powerful healing properties (...)

Studies show that we can heal through sound, frequency and vibration.

Cymatics is a very interesting subject.

It shows how sound frequencies move in a particular medium like water, air or sand and, therefore, directly modify physical matter (...)

When it comes to ancient knowledge, sound,

frequency and vibration have always been seen as powerful forces that can influence and modify life down to the cellular level.

Sound therapy is more and more popular,

in particular in the field of psychological and mental health (...)

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